A guide to live free and safe on the Internet

What kind of digital security issues do TLGBIQ+ people face on a daily basis?
Read moreHow should we take care of ourselves if we use technology in our work as TLGBIQ+ activists?
Read moreWhat digital safety risks are TLGBIQ individuals with high public visibility exposed to?
Read moreLife on the Internet is real, and it is a space for us to communicate and stay informed. For our LGTBIQ+ community it can often be an escape and a lifeline.
Access to the web is extremely useful for the LGTBIQ+ community, both to inform ourselves about sexuality and to discover friends, new and diverse communities, and accessing content to broaden our knowledge. It is also a space that helps to affirm that we are not alone, and that there are others out there who think about the same things we do.
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